female reproductive life cycle

The Female Reproductive Life Cycle (part 1)…

Isn’t it intresting how so much of life here on earth is cyclical? The earth’s movements around the sun, the moon’s movement around the earth, the aging process, the digestive system…you name it. Life is made up of so many cycles and the female reproductive life cylce happens to be one of them!

The female reproductive life cycle is basically the journey between birth and menopause. It is a journey of transitions beginning at birth, followed by puberty, fertility and finally ending in menopause.


A baby girl is born with her lifetime stock of eggs in place. She will never have more or less than the eggs she is born with.


Once a baby girl hits the earth, she is already carrying her complete genetic material for the next generation. Remember that every specie on earth naturally is focused on regeneration and reproduction.

A baby girls eggs will remain silent and inactive until she hits puberty. The hormonal wakeup that is associated with puberty wakes up her sleeping reproductive system and she slowly but surely begins to ovulate her eggs.


Puberty is also a transition that typically can take 4 years. It is the move towards becoming a mature adult with capability to reproduce. Once a girl begins to menstruate, with each ovulatory cycle she will be releasing an egg that is primed for conception. If conception does not happen she will mensturate and start the cyle over and over again.

Random Facts about Female Puberty

  • The first sign of puberty in girls is budding breasts
  • This is often followed by growing sparse pubic and underarm hair
  • Girls will typically experience a noticeable growth spurt right before mensturation begins.
  • Menstruation tends to occur approximately 3 years after budding breasts.
  • Girls will also naturally develop an increased fascination with their looks and mirrors. They can’t help it!
  • Don’t have to mention this one, but I will go ahead and remind you that puberty is a time of MASSIVE EMOTIONAL UPHEAVAL. Handle them with lots of Tender Loving Care…..

    Next time we will discuss the next 2 stages of the female reproductive life cycle: Fertility and Menopause. Stay tuned!